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A robot has been developed that will take care of physical and mental health I science and technology

A robot has been developed that will take care of physical and mental health I science and technology

What did introduce Hongkong Company Hanson?

It is true that science is progressing speedily in the world. A lot of inventions are rounded in this world which was discovered by man. Such discoveries impressed us that how was made such things. Many thoughts come into the minds that force us to think about that. It is true that technology has changed the world. Technology is making easy life by its great things. So, in the same manner, a great thing is made in this world which has a lot of benefits for Human being. 

While the Corona lockdown has helped control Corona, the mental health of lonely people has been affected by negative thoughts. The company has taken into account the healthcare market in the new project.  This special robot is designed to communicate with elderly and lonely people.

what features have been included in this robot?

These are features that have been presented:

  • Grace is made with Asian features, 
  • ​and a thermal camera is mounted on the chest of Grace, who is dressed in a nurse's uniform.  
  • ​It will make it easier for patients to take their temperature and will inform quickly. 

(Science and technology news)

Which languages have been presented?

These are a few languages that have been presented:

  • Grace also uses artificial intelligence technology to allow her to speak two Chinese regional languages ​​in addition to English. 
  • These languages will help to understand the matter.

What did say Company founder and  Chief executive, David Hanson? 

He says the goal of making Grace look like a doctor is to relieve the burden on medical staff during epidemics. He said the world would need more automated systems to keep people safe. Sofia and Grace's robots are very unique because they look like humans.  This can be very useful when people are severely socially isolated and lonely.

 What is Hanson's plan?

Hansen plans to sell thousands of robots in 2021, including both large and small robots.  The company also plans to develop robots for the aerospace and sales sectors. It was  Hanson's plane. I am providing you news from every category, Urdu articles, Urdu stories, Science & Tech so just come here to the place where you can find the news based on every article no need to visit any other website.

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